Saturday, 28 January 2012

You Shall Have A Fishy...

Popped up to Blyth Beach today, never been before, its a wonderful place. Anyway went onto one of the piers and was looking around for a decent foregound, I was going to use one of the worn planks with a rusty bolt but then spotted this....couldnt believe it, My second dead fish foreground LOL...and No its not the same one from My Seaham shot!!

Finchale Priory

Finchale Priory by Dave Brightwell
Finchale Priory, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Wheels #3

The Wheels #3 by Dave Brightwell
The Wheels #3, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Third and final shot of the old Wheels at Chemical Beach, Seaham. Taken later than the previous two shots, the sun was starting to rise and the sky was getting lighter and pinker.

The Wheels #2

The Wheels #2 by Dave Brightwell
The Wheels #2, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

The Wheels

The Wheels by Dave Brightwell
The Wheels, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Been wanting to do "The Wheels" at Seaham chemical beach for ages now, so knowing the tide would be low decided to do it this morning! Got to Seaham and who should I bump into but Mick who was meeting Tom there, nice surprise. The sky was pretty intense early on which then went to pretty pink as the sun started to come up. Got a right good soaking again!, got a good tip off Mick to help with that though;o) Anyway, great morning out, nice to meet Tom. Hope You enjoy the shot!!


Silky by Dave Brightwell
Silky, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Pool of Pink

Pool of Pink by Dave Brightwell
Pool of Pink, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Pipe Burn

Pipe Burn by Dave Brightwell
Pipe Burn, a photo by Dave Brightwell on Flickr.

Seems like I cant go out now and not do a addictive!! Went down Easington this morning to catch the sunrise, decided to do a spin on the sewage pipe down there before the sun came up. I set my camera up on the pipe and as I was kneeling down composing the shot, a bloody wave came and absolutely soaked Me....good start:o)))) Got caught out a couple more times too!!