Friday, 18 November 2011

Burn Boy Burn

Burn Boy Burn by jimmypop68
Burn Boy Burn, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

And here is My Son Kieran spinning the wool.....He was a little wild spinning it around and then over his head which gave off some great sparks...He says He has plans now....BIG plans...LOL!!

Burn Baby Burn!!

Burn Baby Burn!! by jimmypop68
Burn Baby Burn!!, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Havn't done any wire wool burning for a while so headed to the beach....My Son and Daughter decided to tag along to see what I was up to. This shot is actually My Daughter Jade spinning the wool (dont worry Shes an adult) I think She did a great job and She loved it!!

Saturday, 5 November 2011


Chimneys by jimmypop68
Chimneys, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Popped into Newcastle for an hour or so while the GF went to Ikea, had a little wander and came across this....kind of reminds Me of a scene from Mary Poppins!!