Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Seaweed And The Sun

Seaweed And The Sun by jimmypop68
Seaweed And The Sun, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

After Work

After Work by jimmypop68
After Work, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

This was My first shot of the morning after work on a trip down to Shot Rock with Dale. Still a bit of darkness as the sun had not popped up yet, gave some lovely blueish tones.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Hidden Heart

Hidden Heart by jimmypop68
Hidden Heart, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

I was thinking of a title for this then noticed a hidden love heart....didnt see it when I took it...can You spot it?

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Sunrise At Shot Rock

Sunrise At Shot Rock by jimmypop68
Sunrise At Shot Rock, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Took a trip down to Shot Rock at Easington for the sunrise and boy was it worth it, beautiful sunrise, bagged a few keepers. But I really need to get some camera protection, bloody freak little wave splashed all over it, seems ok though, dont know how much more My poor little Sony can take!!

Used B+W 1.3 ND to smooth water and Hitech 0.9 reverse ND Grad to control the sky.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Pollution Rock

Pollution Rock by jimmypop68
Pollution Rock, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

I had originally intended to include a wire wool spin in this shot but it didnt happen....I was stood on the rock that is in the centre of the shot trying to light My wool when yes You guessed it, a large wave came and totally covered Me!! Not just hitting Me...Full over My head wave=o))))) Anyway left the camera going while I sorted Myself out and really liked the shot, coloured only by light pollution.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Light Pollution

Light Pollution by jimmypop68
Light Pollution, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Used the light pollution from Hartlepool to add a bit of colour to this otherwise "blue" shot. Highlighted the foreground rocks with a bit of flash.

The Fan

The Fan by jimmypop68
The Fan, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Did a couple of burns on Friday, this one kind of reminds me of a fan. Got soaking wet and also took a whisk to the face (no damage though) Ah, the things We do to get the shot ;o))))

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Into The Lake

Into The Lake by jimmypop68
Into The Lake, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Sunset down at Ashness Jetty sloping into Derwentwater.