Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Cage

The Cage by jimmypop68
The Cage, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

This cage stands on the former site of Easington Colliery Coal Mine. This is a three tier cage that the miners would travel down in to the mine a mile below. Used a b+w 3.0 ND to prolong the exposure so I could catch some movement in the flowers blowing in the wind.


Rocks by jimmypop68
Rocks, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Decided to get up at 3am and take a bike ride to the beach to catch the sunrise, the sunrise that never happened.....so I popped on My Hitech 10 stop to shoot some long daylight exposures.

The Promenade

The Promenade by jimmypop68
The Promenade, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Took a day trip to Blackpool, I decided to take My all round Tamron 18-250 just for general shots throughout the day. Did not expect to still be in Blackpool at sunset which was really beautiful, so I had to grab some shots handheld.

The Big Wheel

The Big Wheel by jimmypop68
The Big Wheel, a photo by jimmypop68 on Flickr.

Took a day trip to Blackpool, I decided to take My all round Tamron 18-250 just for general shots throughout the day. Did not expect to still be in Blackpool at sunset which was really beautiful, so I had to grab some shots handheld.